A BCom Blog by Monique Wong

Reflections, Thoughts and Inspirations of Monique Wong

Marketing creativity meets the black and white of Accounting

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You can’t earn money without people buying into your brand. You can’t get people to buy into your brand when nobody gives you the money to run a marketing team. Creativity and numbers have to meet in business.

Marketing is about being creative about making your product stand out. It’s about the consumer at all times. Selling the benefits, not the features makes the product tangible. These benefits come together to create the brand. In an ad, this image of the brand is what needs to be brought out.

Maybe it is important after all for a Marketing-aspiring me to get on top of these numbers!

Business is truly interdisciplinary, taking into account a mathematical discipline as well as requiring logic, rationality and analysis. It deals with the social aspect of life, being an essential part of social change and progress, but is also a science in its analysis of the economy with its theories, evidence and predictions. Finally, it takes a daring character to be able to take calculated risks and the confidence and foresight to succeed. Marketing and accounting aren’t the only two business applications that are intertwined in its fate – there are many others to follow in Commerce 101.

Written by moniquewong

September 21st, 2010 at 1:43 pm

Posted in Uncategorized

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