A BCom Blog by Monique Wong

Reflections, Thoughts and Inspirations of Monique Wong

Ahh! WordPress! Firefox! UBC! I’m drowning in marketing messages!

with 2 comments

Staring intently  at my computer screen, I am, without a choice, bombarded with marketing messages. Whether I want to or not. But there is one type of marketing message that I don’t mind be drowned in, that I don’t mind reading, seeing and listening more of. One that I don’t mind feeling manipulated by.

And that is social marketing. Like the karma commercial and advertisements of the Return-It program!

The principles of brand positioning are the same and the reasons for successful brand positioning is even more compelling. “Consumers are bombarded with a continuous stream of advertising” (QuickMBA, Marketing) and that’s true and because of that seemingly neutral social messages hardly get into the minds of the consumers. Without catchy gimmicks like “Don’t mess with karma”, it’s hard to gain anybody’s attention.

Much of social advertising for a socially responsible message though, is not about being number one and with messages that advocate for environmental stewardship, it is in a sense a repositioning of previous bad habits or undesirable behaviors. A message or a “big idea” that appeals to everyone is important – unlike a positioning of a product that is made for a specific type of audience. “Green is the new black” for example, is a message most people can relate to and tries to reposition green environmental initiatives as being desirable and trendy.

Especially with social topics sensitive to apathy, each message has to bridge the gap through points of parity and leverage the new message through compelling points of difference. Without doing so, an ignored message is a common pitfall. In the example of Return-It’s ad campaign, recycling is their point of parity, establishing a frame of reference that consumers can relate to and karma is their point of difference. By relating back to a fundamental belief of karma – that good things will happen to people who do good – the audience is more likely to accept this message.

Marketing is without a doubt a tool that can be used for social good or to society’s detriment. An environmentalist myself, I believe it is the singular most important tool to create awareness for social change.

Written by moniquewong

October 2nd, 2010 at 4:15 pm

Posted in Uncategorized

2 Responses to 'Ahh! WordPress! Firefox! UBC! I’m drowning in marketing messages!'

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  1. Добрый вечер!

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    Желаю удачи!


    5 Nov 21 at 8:47 am

  2. Доброе утро.

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    Успехов всем!


    19 Nov 21 at 11:38 pm

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