A BCom Blog by Monique Wong

Reflections, Thoughts and Inspirations of Monique Wong

Self-learning as a means of growing

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Going into business school was a daunting aspect for me. Yes, I’ve always been good at what I do, no matter academics, sports, and community involvement, but I was never extremely competitive. Going into business at Sauder was a daunting aspect for the Sauder School of Business had a reputation for being an extremely competitive environment where you hear about the best, but the worst fall between the cracks.

From the first term of university, I was positive that Sauder was not a fit for me. I loved my arts courses – Political Science and Sociology – but I found less interest in my Commerce classes. I enjoyed that these holistic arts courses opened my eyes up to the world and provided me with a better understanding of current events. It seemed as if commerce classes were unrealistic and not useful. I could not express my passions through my commerce classes and I could not use my creativity. By the end of December, I felt like I did not belong.

COMM 299 changed my perceptions of Sauder. Strengthsquest was a powerful force behind that change. Strengthsquest identified 5 characteristics that I’ve always been proud of, but never able to pinpoint: Command, Connectedness, Strategic, Learner, and Activator. Now that I know my strengths and can clearly label them , I feel that I can take these strengths and apply them in the business realm, to find my love and my place in Sauder. I now know how to market myself to other people – that I”m not just a business student, but one who is different from others.

I have found my identity through COMM 299 and I know how to build my brand. I know myself better.

Written by moniquewong

March 30th, 2011 at 2:47 pm

Posted in Uncategorized

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  1. Great advice! I’m glad you found the blog helpful! The advice on Bcom Distance Education is valuable. Feel free to ask if you have more questions. Keep up the good work!


    29 Nov 23 at 9:34 pm

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