Lien 2

I looked at Tyler Senini task two for this one and it was super interesting. This bit in particular jumped out at me:

“I kept thinking about the primary students and how they form sentences. It shows me that they are thinking but not forming proper sentences the way adults would in conversations. They are forming broken sentences or part of the sentence to get their thoughts across.”

It kinda speaks to how arbitrary language is. I teach French and I constantly encounter kids saying in frustration, “Why do they do it like that?” Those kids are working off the assumption that English is the first language and everything else is going from there – which is of course closer to the opposite of what’s true than anything else.

And due to the fact that the talk linked to above is not precisely the one we watched in the link through the module on Canvas, I also learned in watching this that people who give academic talks do them like musicians or comedians – touring around and repeating the same thing to different audiences. I never considered that.