Blog Post Week 13 [Fever Dream]

For this last reading, I listened to the audiobook since my mom has a subscription with Amazon, and it was cheaper than buying it brand new. And, oh boy, was I in for a ride. It took me a couple of da to listen to the whole thing since I mainly listened to it at work, but it was special. A part of me wants to re-read it on my own just because I want to know how the experience would change. It was a unique experience. The main factor I attribute its uniqueness to is how it is written, in a way without chapters, and it is just a stream of moments, decisions and events. It did remind me of a. dream. And I don’t know if it is a placebo effect from the title, but the narrative style and how the book plays out when being read resemble a fever dream. Where not everything is explained or followed with an exact reason but for a reason, you have an idea of what is going on, and that is so very for whichever reason, the whole setting of the book just seemed aery to me.
Regarding the story, I also really enjoyed it. I will say that since there was Amanda’s narrative and then Davids and the whole recalling and sifting through memories did make it a complicated read/hearing at times, mainly because sometimes I thought something was happening in real-time to realize later it was memory since they are both written in the present tense, but in a sense that is also what gives it that sense of a fever dream and eariness I mentioned before, which made the book ultimately an exciting read. Something I found captivating was David, and more specifically, his attention to detail and what he considers to be necessary, at times that did stress me out a bit since the more logical narrative and what I thought was important was dismissed with whatever Davidad thought was important, which only added to the tension.
I think, at times, the story leaves you with more questions than answers, and after the first hour of listening, I gave up trying to find the answers and just accompanied the narrative in a sense. That is also what some of the characters do at times.
Also, I found the lack of details interesting in that it
needs to be clear how Amanda and David are talking or when or where.
Anywho, my question for you this week is. What do you think about the phrase “Rescue distance” in Spanish that was initially the book’s title in “Distancia de Rescate”? Why do you think the title in English is different?


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