
Intro post

Hi all!

I am looking forward to meeting up with you all in just a few days now as we begin our journey in Peru. I am a (now graduated) Spanish student with specific interest in Latin American art and culture. I grew up in the US originally, but now live full time in Vancouver and enjoy the fruits of the Canadian life. In my spare time I enjoy outdoor activities, cooking, and listening to music. Although I don’t play an instrument currently, I would love to learn one day. The last month or so I have been traveling around Mexico through Monterrey, Quintana Roo, Chiapas, Oaxaca and Mexico City. Each place has been so different!

In terms of the course, I am looking forward to getting a more in depth experience with the culture alongside the readings of the texts. I think immersion in the country and exposure to its cultural landmarks will give the readings and assignments more tangibility. I also hope to practice my Spanish both out in the world and maybe in the readings.

I hope we can make a good little group and have lots of fun along the way as we learn about this intriguing country and culture with Jon.

See you soon!

3 replies on “Intro post”

I feel confident we have a “good little group,” and am sure we’ll have fun as well as learning plenty while we’re there.

I also want to practice my Spanish. My skills are very basic but hopefully on this trip they will improve. We can practise together if you like. Always good to have a partner in crime.

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