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Qiu M, Feng JJ, Loudet J-C, (2021) Phase-field model for elastocapillary flows of liquid crystals. Physical Review E, 103, 022706.
Hemauer J, Qiu M, Feng JJ, Loudet J-C, (2021) Particle rotation speeds up capillary interactions. European Physical Journal E, 44:30.
Loudet J-C, Qiu M, Hemauer J, Feng JJ, (2020) Drag force on a particle straddling a fluid interface: influence of interfacial deformations. European Physical Journal E, 43, pp. 1-13. (media coverage by SpringerResearch News,EPJE Highlight, Europhysics News,, ScienceDaily)
Xu X, Dey M, Qiu M, Feng JJ, (2020) Modeling of van der Waals force with smoothed particle hydrodynamics: application to the rupture of thin liquid films. Applied Mathematical Modeling, 83, pp. 719-735.
Qiu M, Afkhami S, Chen C-Y, Feng JJ, (2018) Interaction of a pair of ferrofluid drops in a rotating magnetic field. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 846, pp. 121-142.
Qiu M, Raeymaekers B, (2015) The load-carrying capacity and friction coefficient of incompressible textured parallel slider bearings with surface roughness inside the texture features. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part JāJournal of Engineering Tribology, 229, pp. 547-556 (invited).
Qiu M, Chyr A, Sanders AP, Raeymaekers B, (2014) Designing prosthetic knee joints with bio-inspired bearing surfaces. Tribology International, 77, pp.106-110.
Chyr A, Qiu M, Speltz J, Jacobsen RL, Sanders AP, Raeymaekers B, (2014) A patterned microtexture to reduce friction and wear and increase longevity of prosthetic hip joints. Wear, 315, pp. 51-57.
Qiu M, Bailey BN, Stoll R, Raeymaekers B, (2014) The accuracy of the compressible Reynolds equation for predicting the local pressure in gas-lubricated textured parallel slider bearings. Tribology International, 72, pp. 83-89.
Qiu M, Minson BR, Raeymaekers B, (2013) The effect of texture shape on the friction coefficient and stiffness of gas-lubricated parallel slider bearings. Tribology International, 67, pp. 278-288.
Qiu M, Delic A, Raeymaekers B, (2012) The effect of texture shape on the load-carrying capacity of gas-lubricated parallel slider bearings. Tribology Letters, 48, pp. 315-328.
Peter Higgins, Numbers: A Very Short Introduction. Oxford University Press, 2011. Qiu M (Chinese translator), Dook Media Group Ltd. Shanghai, China, 2021.