Linking Assignment #1: What’s in my bag – Deidre Dagar


Summary: In this post, Deidre shares the contents of her ‘bag’ (winter coat pockets). She examines the different ways we can interpret items as well as gives her reasoning for her items. She states that she is uncertain as to the level of information contained in her pockets which may only give superficial indications of who she is.

Deidre Dagar’s “What’s in my bag” assignment


I chose this link as I found Deidre’s interpretation and lines of reasoning to be different from my own approach to Task #1 and the intentionality I have behind the contents of my bag. While Deidre and I both agree that the contents we carry does tell a story about us, I feel like I’ve approached this by trying to have a more active role in telling that story – as if by choosing to carry certain items, I am actively defining my public identity which in turn defines my personal identity. Deidre contends that the contents of her “bag” (pockets) provide only a surface level look into her life and who she is as an individual. Deidre shares that her thoughts that “[a]s for text technologies and literacies, I’m not sure there is much information held in my pockets” (Dagar, 2021) and further lists financial literacy and possibly visual literacy in regards to the Indigenous beadwork she carries. As a former resident of the exact same area she is in now, I believe it is important to recognize the increased cultural literacy gained by living in an Indigenous community. As Scholes discussed in our first section, crafts/technology are similar to text with themes of creation running through each. 

While completing this task myself, I was struck by just how deeply I resonated with the items I carry around on a daily basis. I acknowledge the logic behind Deidre’s conclusion and do wonder if a stranger’s impression of me would match the one I’ve constructed during this task.


Dagar, D. (2021). Task 1 – What’s in my bag. Idea Machinery.