Linking Assignment #6: Manual Scripts and Radish Printing – Selina Choi


Summary: For this task Selina actually (mistakenly) completed both options for this week. She reflected upon her experience manually writing as well as diving into the world of radish printing. She found herself empathetic to the ancient scholars working on handwritten texts and early printed books.


I chose to link this task as Selina has the unique perspective of having completed both options for this task which allows her to view both historical methods of transcribing text. She shares her memories from elementary school and the discomfort she would feel while writing. tried drying out her radish, went freehand and didn’t have enough room, did however carve her radish in the correct orientation. Her question of whether or not “still teach students the optimal way to hold pencils” (Choi, 2021) highlights the difference of my experience as a homeschooler for my elementary years – this was never a learning objective. Her experience with her radish printing also differed from mine with a potato. Her process involved a drying step which, although unsuccessful in its first iteration, would have been a good idea. Selina found that she was unable to draw out her design on the radish which forced her to adopt a freehand approach. My first attempts also utilized a freehand approach but I quickly moved onto using a ruler to cut some gridlines to guide my lettering. This helped me plan out my spacing which Selina mentions struggling with.

My potato printing. 75% backwards but 50% spaced out evenly…

Selina’s radish printing

I appreciated Selina’s reflection and feel she experienced a more authentic representation of early transcribing both from a manual and mechanical method.

Choi, S. (2021). Task 4: Manual Script and Radish Printing. Selina’s Work <etec540>.