Woolfolk, A. Human development, learning, and diversity:
This was the textbook from my class EPSE 308 (Educational Psychology and Special Education). It was instrumental in the formation of my inquiry. There was one case study I found particularly useful. The case was an Elementary class was assigned to make a kite. The teacher asked the students what their goals were and the students who had the goal of getting a passing grade got just that and not necessarily a functional kite. The students who had the goal of making a kite that can fly accomplished that. It seems when the motivation is extrinsic (for a grade) the product reflects the goal whereas when the objective is intrinsic (to make the kite fly for the fun of it) that goal is then achieved.
Raffini, J. P. (1993). Winners without losers: Structures and strategies for increasing student motivation to learn.:
This book was useful because it examines motivation to learn from the students’ point of view. There was a quote from Former Secretary of Education Terrell Bell I agree with:
“There are three things to remember about education. The first is motivation the second is motivation. The third is motivation” (Raffini, J. P. (1993).P.05-06)
Strategy 7-2 had useful information about how to create a class charter/set of rules for the room. The text says to give the instructions:
- Limit the rules to 5
- To use positive language.
- Students then write a set of rules on their own (max. 5).
- Next the students split into groups of 3 or 4 and share their results.
- Related rules are eliminated
- Each group presents their final list
- Facilitator (teacher) or selected (willing) student writes rules on the board
- A discussion ensues, facilitator is careful not to dominate discussion or decision
Creating this list with the students helps them take ownership and control of the class. The Latin motto of my practicum Handsworth Secondary School is Ducimus: We lead, we guide. I will include Ducimus in my vocabulary lesson because it is important to teach students to lead.
Guthrie, J. T., & Klauda, S. L. (2014). Effects of classroom practices on reading comprehension, engagement, and motivations for adolescents. Reading Research Quarterly, 49(4),
In this article “[they][investigate] the roles of classroom supports for multiple motivations and engagement in students’ informational text comprehension, motivation, and engagement. A composite of classroom contextual variables consisting of instructional support for choice, importance, collaboration, and competence, accompanied by cognitive scaffolding for informational text comprehension, was provided in four-week instructional units for 615 grade 7 students.”
The article shows tables showing improvement in students who are intrinsically motivated.
Frey, N., & Fisher, D. (2010). Motivation requires a meaningful task. The English Journal, 100(1), 30-36.
From this article I learned that “Without question, adolescents favour group work as a tool for learning and socializing, but only when particular elements are in place. A useful device for ensuring that all are present is the TARGET framework (Ames): Task, Autonomy, Recognition, Resources, Grouping, Evaluation and Time. Task refers to the nature of the learning activity itself, designed to be interesting and challenging, and parted with useful Resources. Autonomy also plays an important role, as adolescents are motivated when they have a voice in decisions and choices. Recognition, and Evaluation are related to one another and refer to the opportunities students have to both offer and receive each. Finally, adolescents in the Carole Ames study preferred working with others in Groups, with the teacher’s Time devoted to providing help and encouragement.” (Frey, N., & Fisher, D. (2010) P.30)
I will most definitely employ the TARGET framework when I am instructing students to work in groups because it seems a good way to ensure good or at least better/more cohesive and productive group work sessions.
Wiliam, D., & Leahy, S. (2015). Embedding formative assessment: Practical techniques for F-12 classrooms.
In Chapter 2 The Case for Formative Assessment, there is a great definition for formative assessment which helped me understand the need for formative assessment more thoroughly:
Formative assessment: “…encompassing all those activities undertaken by teacher and, or by their students in which provide information to be used as feedback to modify the teaching and learning activities in which they are engaged.” In the text they include a different definition from Bronwen Cowie and Beverley Bell,
Formative assessment: “the process used by students and teacher to recognize and respond to student learning in order to enhance that learning, during the learning.” (Wiliam, D., & Leahy, S. (2015)) P.37) The addition of “during the learning” helps clarify the fact that the assessment is not summative. An example of formative learning would be handing in a draft essay that is assessed and returned to the student so the have a chance to correct their mistakes.
Teach Thought .com had many useful images some of which are included below:
This first image illustrates well:
Assessment AS learning or “Pre-Assessment”
Assessment FOR learning or “During” learning
& assessment OF learning or “Post-Assesssment”
This second image/diagram explains:
This next diagram explains the Student Self-Assessment Cycle in a easy to read fashion.
I plan to include the principles of these diagrams in all of my lessons because they will help students progress in their studies.