Through observation of my students in the past and present, I find it interesting how students approach different subject areas with differing levels of enjoyment, interest, and enthusiasm. This is to be expected as students, or most people for that matter, gravitate towards their interests. However, in the classroom they are exposed to a wide variety of subjects, topics, and themes, and not all of them may be to a particular student’s taste. Therefore they are exposed to the educational smorgasbord and are expected to take their favourites together with their less preferred subjects. As an educator it is our task, a seemingly daunting one, to make these less desirable topics (whatever they may be) palatable to your entire class, to those who adore the subject and to those who detest it. Therefore, it is a neat experience to see when you get to engage with students in extra curricular activities. This is (or should be) something they enjoy and that enthusiasm is contagious.
I had the privilege to take part in a basketball practice this week and it was wonderful to see a group of kids, who not always are so cohesive in their favourite subject, connect with the sport and as a team. Team building is an obviously a key component of this and when they are literally grouped as a team, they develop a connection that carries them beyond the court and into their personal lives. As the practice was in the morning and I got to see the students that were in my own class interact with each other for the rest of the day. Something I noticed was how the students who were on the basketball team together, and had practiced in the morning, worked well as a team in group activities, communicated effectively, and demonstrated a cohesive attitude. The team had game after school in the gym towards the end of the day something interesting happened. Not only were the students who were on the basketball team demonstrating teamwork, but as the day winded down, the entire class began to come together and were cheering on, giving praise and support to the team, and there was a contagious positive attitude throughout the class.
So what was the catalyst for such a dramatic outpouring of teamwork? Group cohesion and competition. The team was going to compete against another school and together, my students, were a team that represented the whole. If it was simply another practice or intra-school game, I don’t think that level of teamwork through the entire class wouldn’t have been present. A competition, against others, can work towards creating teamwork and a positive presence, and if it wasn’t for that prospect of competition, I doubt this would’ve occurred.
As I read your post, I spent time considering how the sense of camaraderie developing within the team and how the class ‘caught’ the spirit and cheered them may be linked to the fact that only students who are interested in competing in basketball are engaged in the competitive aspect and those who chose to not engage in this by joining a ‘team’ are able to then be surrounded by and caught up in the more collaborative/support camaraderie that surrounds the team. (Wow, that’s a run-on sentence but I’m unsure how else to say it!)
Do you think the same positive outcome you observed would be true if the competitive event were something that all students were required to participate in? Can you think of anything you have read that helps you make sense of your observations?