Tag Archives: self-determination

Predicting Satisfaction in Physical Education From Motivational Climate and Self-determined Motivation

Baena-Extremera, A., Gómez-López, M., Granero-Gallegos, A., & Ortiz-Camacho, M. (2015). Predicting Satisfaction in Physical Education From Motivational Climate and Self-determined Motivation. JTPE, 34(2), 210-224.http://dx.doi.org/10.1123/jtpe.2013-0165


When discussing student motivation, in connection to competition, something that I find interesting is how students, or everyone for that matter, has a subjective perspective on their own success. Many factors are in play: personal ones, and social or contextual factors, which play a role in comparing ourselves to others. When attempting to foster a sense of teamwork in a class or any group, one must remember that self-determination is a spectrum and a shifting one at that. Where we place ourselves on the spectrum of self determination is reliant on how each new task is presented to us. If we approach it from a task oriented position of trying to solve a problem or complete a task, the self determination is quite high. However, if the task is reliant on ego and through the task, we are trying to better ourselves at the expense of others, the we see a dramatic decrease in self determination and motivation. As educators, we are charged with creating an motivational climate that promotes the positive and promotes a task oriented approach. Now what is curious here is how competition is related to this intrinsic motivational climate. I do think it still can be present inside a positive task oriented  atmosphere but still give student that push to complete the task bets or first. This can be intrinsic and inherently positive while still maintaining that competitive drive. However, when ego is involved that is when competition fails and something we as educators need to keep in mind.