April 22nd – Last day with Mr Robson

“Space dog to Mr Robson: Please don’t go”

My wonderful students: I hope you’ve enjoyed the last couple months! It’s been lots of fun for me and I’ve learned a lot from you, so thank you.

Shape of the day:

  1. Go to the Mr Robson Windermere homepage and vote for the Jack Chow building.
  2. Discuss individual and peer evaluations as a class. (see charts below)
  3. Discuss project marks with individual groups.
  4. If you are not talking about marks with Mr Robson, you must do online research to find out who to send your Ad Proposal to. Find out the NAME and EMAIL of the marketing director (or equivalent). Try calling the business and finding out! If the business doesn’t have anyone in marketing, then find out the name of the owner. Prepare a brief email introducing your team, your school, course and the project. Be formal and friendly in your writing.
  5. If you finish early, you may work on Chinatown case studies or other course work / studying. No Facebook or online games.
  6. Say goodbye to Mr Robson.




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How to improve this project: 

Choose better group members.”

Lay out more detailed objectives and expectations for the rest of the group.”

Communicate more with team members.”

Have a more clear and descriptive criteria.”

Separate tasks instead of working on one task all together”

Have more structure within the group and to delegate tasks better. There really wasn’t a time where everybody knew what they were doing, and I think that is what I would improve next time. We also never had a set time to work.”

“I would start working on it earlier and getting the bulk of it done during our class work periods next time, as finding a time where we were all available to brainstorm and create a solution was a little difficult outside of class.”

Get started on it sooner”

Not do it on the last two days”

“Start earlier and choose group members more wisely.”

start earlier”

Not procrastinate until night before”

“To imp[rove this project for next time, you could give the students more time perhaps as many of them stayed up late that night. Also, the project could’ve been done over a report instead of slides.”

In order to improve on this project for next time, I would put more consideration into the overall feasibility (time and money factors) of the campaign. Instead of doing that, we mainly focused on the creativity of the project.”

“Give more detailed proposed strategies and expand on giving more examples of possible ads.”

Maybe explain the laws a little more.”

“I would make the project less open ended. My group spent a long time finding a product/company”

I would contact the company and ask for specific statistics.”

“Although I enjoyed this project, I felt like it was a little bit odd sending in a presentation/slides style project without being able to physically present it itself. I also thought that the need to do possible laws and codes violations were a little weird.”