Mar 1st/2nd Tasks – the final stretch!

Today’s tasks are laid out below. Try to finish your tasks early so you can start working on the Table of Contents. Remember to use google to find interesting examples / templates which can inspire you!

CEO: works on Executive Summary: 1 page in well written paragraphs: Introduce your group name, your group members and your product(s) or service(s). Use pictures and colours as much as possible: entertain the judges! 

CMO work on Title Page:
Include group name and logo, member names and positions, block and (expected) submission date. Think of a slogan. Make it creative, colourful, and polished. 

COO works on Members and Roles: Write about three sentences for each member: Start with the CEO profile first, then CFO, CMO and COO (they’re equally important, I’m just going in job title alpha order!). Include relevant past work/volunteer experiences, personal interests, hobbies and personality traits that you can back up with specific, concrete examples; write in third person and present tense. Include member photos (either as a group or individually – be sure to put a caption with names if it’s a group photo).

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