Lesson 8 (Online ads)

Wednesday’s Marketing lesson

Your teacher today is Mr Hung. His favourite team is:


Activity 1: In groups of 3 to 4, order these types of online ads from youngest to oldest: (use a sheet of paper)

email marketing, search engine marketing (SEM), social media marketing, web banner advertising, and mobile advertising.

Activity 2: Form five groups (depending on class size, group size will differ). Pick one type of online ad to research and tell the teacher your choice, so there is no duplication. Your teacher has the final say as to your choice.

Answer the following questions, research using Google. Then make short presentation to class. (groups should delegate one question to each person to save time). 

  1. How much is spent each year (estimated) on your type of online ad? 
  2. Provide a brief history of your online ad type: when did it emerge? Through one company primarily, or many? (2 min)
  3. Describe how your online ads work: Consider using visuals to save time. (5 min)
  4. Growth: do you see accelerating, constant, or slowing growth in the next 5 years? Give reasons. (2 min)


Example of how search engine advertising works: