Thursday, April 14th class: remind Mr Robson to show this video at the beginning: (example of femvertising)
To complete AFTER you’ve submitted your project as a group: Self evaluation form here: Anybody who completes this form before project submission will have a chat with Mr Robson.
- If your group hasn’t yet decided on a product or service to promote, then do it now! You must have decided within the first 20 minutes of this lesson.
- Group task meeting: (10 min) break up tasks into pairs or individuals. Create individual accountability for tasks: I will also be observing who’s working hard and who’s not (individual marks will be reduced for those who are not pulling their weight). **Remember: team work is not about agreeing all the time: you can have different views as long as you justify them realistically. If your views happen to be wrong or unrealistic, that’s okay! You’ve learned something and your group members will respect you more for your self-honesty.
- Work on tasks (30 min): use the Rubric to guide you! Person 1: create title page Person 2: Write introduction Person 3: Describe target audience: identify demographics, psychographics (ask Mr Robson or Ms Tam if unfamiliar), geographics, and more. Not allowed: “all citizens of Vancouver”. Person 4: Product / service description.
- Regroup: Have a progress meeting. Who is done their task? Who needs help? Reallocate people to tasks requiring more work.
- Last 10 minutes of class: Brainstorm ad ideas: what are you going to do!? Feel free to ask Mr Robson for tips.