Geometry, Transformations, and video games

Hi Class,

Videogames have been shown to improve problem solving skills and reaction times, but in this case we are using the game tetris to show our understanding of transformations (and development of spatial awareness). Starting at the centre of the screen, I want you to translate and rotate blocks (and I also want you to do well in math!)

Try to beat my high score of:

Once you finish with tetris, please study reflections,rotations, and translations through pacman.

Of Genre and trailers

Hi Class,

This is the one time you have my permission to use youtube. Look at the genres of film. See if you can come up with criteria and characteristics of each of these genres of movies.

Fantasy: (Lord of the rings: The fellowship of the rings) (Willow)

Super hero: (The Incredibles) (Iron Man)

Family: (101 Dalmations) (Winnie the Pooh)

Musical: (The sound of music) (The wizard of Oz)

Science Fiction: Star wars: The empire strikes back Serentiy

Documentary: The march of the penguins








Where did the week go?

Hello everyone,

Here is a short update of what we did this week:

  • Our grade 6’s went camping
  • The grade 5’s completed their buildings
  • We began a short unit on badminton
  • We continued our inquiry into augmented reality
  • We wrapped up our science unit and made some fantastic organisms

Another week is done!

Although this week was short it was packed full of events. In Math our geometric constructions are nearing completion.Things are also beginning to develop in our inquiry into trade and resources. To do so, our class took part of a role-playing game where everyone in the class pretended to be a country and had to trade resources with other ‘countries’ around the class. Lastly, Thursday was our district track meet. I am happy to say that our athletes shone bring like stars!

Things are starting to take shape

Resource tokens and ‘money’

A week gone by

This past week we were activating our scientific minds by performing an experiment on the qualities of yeast. We came up with our own research questions and are now in process of writing up our fabulous reports. Part of the experiment included mixing various materials with yeast to find out what made the yeast grow. It was quite the classroom (not to mention a few overflowing samples and minor explosions).

In math the grade fives are working on geometry. A highlight was a lesson on symmetry in which the students created some amazing symmetrical designs!