A week gone by

This past week we were activating our scientific minds by performing an experiment on the qualities of yeast. We came up with our own research questions and are now in process of writing up our fabulous reports. Part of the experiment included mixing various materials with yeast to find out what made the yeast grow. It was quite the classroom (not to mention a few overflowing samples and minor explosions).

In math the grade fives are working on geometry. A highlight was a lesson on symmetry in which the students created some amazing symmetrical designs!

Playing with words

Part of our learning this week focused on exploring language. We learned about alliteration and we used our new found skills to create the perfect pitch where we gave a presentation to the class trying to sell an object. The next stop in our language adventure was to try writing scripts. Our class has produced five lovely scenes and are close to presentation!


This week went spent some time working on our prediction skills. We will be keeping track of our accuracy throughout the term. We will be applying these prediction skills to our very funny class novel, Maniac Magee by Jerry Spinelli. In Science we began to focus our attention on the cell. We are in the process of creating simple models out of construciton paper and other materials.

Thats all for this week.


The First Week!

This week’s adventure had us learning about the diversity of living things. We established that a common way to classify living organisms was to put them into five kingdoms. What followed next was the the introduction of microscopes. Our students learned how to handle microscopes and how to use them to look at very tiny creatures. In French class, we continued this theme of living things by expanding our vocabulary to learn how to pronounce our favourite animal.

We finished the week off by performing an experiment where we will try to grow some microorganisms.

The five kingdoms

Our experiments


Stay tuned for the results!