Additional Learning Opportunities

  1. Weekly Multicultural Club meetings on Mondays, preparing all the flags with three students in the club, contributing to the event by baking bread from scratch for over 100+ people
  2. Offer extra help and more of my time during tutorial, (set students up with the materials, explain criteria) at lunch, and after school
  3. Helping to organize Art Night- writing up about each project, mounting, helping grade 11s/12s write artist statements, and take down of show
  4. Volunteer evening time for High School Debates  – at King David in February
  5. Social Justice Seminar at JR Bennet to learn how to include social justice in my lessons in March
  6.  Learned an optional Planning 10 course at UBC in January
  7. Attended an optional learning session with Methods Instructor from UBC during Practicum with Arts Cohourt as a Pro D Day evening event
  8. Encourage self-reflection in all my classes for all art and ceramics students
  9. Embrace a positive attitude by beginning each class with a hand selected quote of the day that meets the topic and theme of each lesson
  10. Help facilitate school field trip to the Vancouver Art Gallery, by creating a unit based on the trip to integrate the learning at the museum into the students classroom experience
  11. Brought in a guest artist Nolan Drew for free to come and speak to all of mine and Sandra’s ceramics classes to provide students the chance to see a professional
  12. Openly speak and address multiculturalism in the classroom in regards to projects (heritage with past present future project), bringing in examples of different cultures found within the class in my power points
  13. Organize and host Art Cohort dinner at my house to facilitate dialogue and share experiences of practicum midway through, and help one another with ideas and strategies on ways to improve

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