Final Project – Describing Communication Technologies

Podcast: Writing Out Loud, History of Writing and Speculative Futures

This podcast is the sequel to my last post on Speculative Futures with a focus on  how educational technology may change the traditions of writing in the next 30 years.

   Before listening to the podcast, please view the two 
    videos below as background context for the podcast.

               Podcast : Writing Out Loud
             Created using Anchor by Spotify

This exciting episode includes Jade Lee speaking about the history of writing and how it applies to teaching pedagogy and effective practices. This is a sequel to exploring the question of how educational technology may play in the future of writing? After speculating the future in utopian and dystopian scenarios for the year 2052, Jade goes on to interviewing her daughters about the process of writing in current times and the speculative future. Enjoy!

 "Writing is one of the most important human inventions 
             of all time" (Gnanadesikan, 2011).


Bazerman, C. (Ed.). Handbook of research on writing: History, society, school, individual, textLinks to an external site. New York, NY: Routledge.

Dunne, A. & Raby, F. (2013). Speculative everything: Design, fiction, and social dreaming.  [eBook edition]. The MIT Press.

Gnanadesikan, A. E. (2011).“The First IT Revolution.” In The writing revolution: Cuneiform to the internet. Links to an external site. (Vol. 25). John Wiley & Sons (pp. 1-10).

Haas, C. (2013). “The Technology Question.” In Writing technology: Studies on the materiality of literacy. Links to an external site.. Routledge. (pp. 3-23).

Interviews with Jasmine and Jayla Brandlmayr. 2022

"Writing is not just an aid to memory; it is also the 
technology for making thoughts real. Once they are 
documented, ideas may be revisited, consulted, revised, 
and criticized" (Olsen, 2011).

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