Meet Jade!

Hello! My name is Jade Lee and this is my 3rd course in the MET program. I am a Teacher Librarian working for the Vancouver School Board in a K-7 school. I am also a Resource Evaluator for Focused Education through the BCTF, this will be my 4th year. I am assigned select teaching resources, websites, novels, and picture books to evaluate for curriculum fit, social considerations, and literary design. Each evaluation has been published online and available for viewing by BCTF members.

I have been in the teaching profession for 17 years and I have witnessed the evolution of how adaptive technology has become in the teaching world. Technology has become a vital part of the profession and the entire school community benefits from the plethora of its uses to support student learning. I am constantly looking for innovative ways to incorporate  technology using various educational programs and tools to support my students and expand upon their knowledge (and mine!) of digital literacy and application.

I’m looking forward to getting to know all of you and learning together digitally!

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