
My name is Ms. Nishi and I will be co-teaching your English class with Mr. Birch for part of the semester (until April 21). For the Grade 11’s (Blocks 5 ), after a short introduction unit we will dive into the world of poetry where we will look at how poets use language and poetic devices to affect us, the reader, emotionally and intellectually. We will ALL (English 11 block 2 &5 and English Pre-IB 10 Block 4) then jump into medieval Scotland and explore one of Shakespeare’s bloodiest and action packed (yet shortest) play Macbeth where we will explore the supernatural, fate vs. Free-Will, and what makes a good King.

So who is this short teacher at the front of the class? I am a book nerd who loves Shakespeare (my favorite play is Macbeth), dinosaurs (my favorite is the Ankylosaurus- the one covered from head to toe-except the stomach-in heavy body armor- whose defense mechanism is to lie down, close its eyes, and sleep), and Harry Potter. I also love Lord of the Rings and relate most to Pippin. I enjoy watching Law and Order crime shows on TV in the evenings when I am not reading or marking!

And now that I’ve blathered on about myself for too long, I leave you with the wise words of Walt Whitman.

“The question, O me! so sad, recurring—What good amid these, O me, O life
That you are here—that life exists and identity,
That the powerful play goes on, and you may contribute a verse.”
~Walt Whitman