• Lady Macbeth cannot kill Duncan herself because he looks too much like her own biological father.
    • This suggests that Lady Macbeth still has / feels human emotions and has a conscience.
  • “Macbeth sleeps no more!”
    • Sleep has connotations of REST, dreams / nightmares, PEACE, safety.
    • Macbeth kills Duncan when Duncan is asleep
    • Macbeth has destroyed the peace and order of Scotland, plunging his world/ Scotland into chaos
    • Macbeth disturbes the grace period of rest that comes after a season of war.
    • Macbeth will never find rest again because he is now a murderer, he can never find peace, only guilt.
    • This destruction of peace is reflected in the natural world of the play which falls into chaos as described by Lennox as being unnaturally stormy, dark, and miserable.