Assignment: Visual Interpretation #2


Due: Friday APRIL 7th

Create or find (on the internet, in magazines etc…) a visual interpretation (artistic renderings, photographs, etc…) that in some way expresses either Macbeth’s Madness and Guilt and/ or the ghost of Banquo in Act 3 scene 4 expressing your interpretation Macbeth’s psychological state and undoing. How do you see the Macbeth’s madness and guilt manifesting? How do you represent the ghost, is Banquo threatening, sad, terrifying? Is Banquo crying out for justice?

You must include an artist statement paragraph (minimum 5 sentences) explaining your artistic choices, why you picked or created the visual you chose, and how your visual interpretation illustrates the motif of madness and guilt as it is presented in the text. Remember to tie your interpretations back to the text by including quotes and your own analysis in your artist statement.

The visual interpretation can be found pieces but, in that case, MUST be cited properly according to MLA standards. Please consult the OWL Purdue MLA citation guide found here: and look under “paintings, sculpture and photographs” for instructions on how to format your citation. You can use, and I encourage you to use, an electronic citation generator such as

All visuals MUST be appropriate for all; if you would not want your mother, little old grandmother, and / or the principal to see your visual interpretation you should not include it. This will be strongly enforced in order to keep the environment of the classroom safe and respectful for all.


Your visual interpretations must be handed in either in hard (paper) copy, on a USB thumb drive, or emailed to Ms. Nishi ( if you do not have access to a printer.


Here’s an example (please note that this particular visual and rationale CANNOT be used for your assignment):


For my visual interpretation I have chosen this image exploring the internal struggle within a man’s mind. I think that it cleverly displays what I imagine the inside of Macbeth’s mind looking like. I believe that Macbeth’s mind is unrelentingly full of the people he has murdered, his king and cousin, his best friend and those who’s lives he’s destroyed. In Act 2 scene 2 Macbeth agonizingly cries “Macbeth does murder sleep […] Macbeth shall sleep no more” emphasizing the constant restlessness of his mind now that he has become a tyrannical murdering king. In the image the ghostly figments of the man’s mind seem to be screaming connotating a sense injustice that has been committed, they seem to be demanding justice. This reminds me of the haunted dinner scene when Banquo’s ghost stares relentlessly at Macbeth with cold, dead eyes, which hold no human power, but his gaze still manages to innerve Macbeth and turn him from a brave warrior to a terrified coward.




Stanculescu, Lucian. This Madness. Digital image. Deviant Art. Deviant Art, 2009. Web. 30 Mar. 2017.