Tomorrow MARCH 2 is the start of our unit’s poetic recitation festival (March 2 and 3rd). You MUST be ready to present tomorrow. I will randomly draw names from a hat for the order of presentations. This is how tomorrow will go down:

  1. Ms. Nishi will call the name from the hat.
  2. Student will step up to the microphone.
  3. Student will say the POET’s name and the TITLE  of the poem into the microphone.
  4. Student will recite poem (either from memory or from the paper) making eye contact and a connection with the audience.
  5. Student will finish reciting poem.
  6. Student will pause for applause.
  7. Student will leave microphone, hand their poem to Ms. Nishi to check for analysis.
  8. Ms. Nishi will check poem and give the poem back to the student.
  9. Student will return to thier seat.
  10. Ms. Nishi calls the next name.

I’m very excited for tomorrow!


Ms. Nishi