Assignment: Visual Interpretation #1


Due: Monday MARCH 27th

Create or find (on the internet, in magazines etc…) a visual interpretation (artistic renderings, photographs, etc…) of the THREE WITCHES in Act 1: scene 3 expressing your interpretation of the witches. How do you see the witches? Are they trust worthy? Terrifying? All powerful? Menacing?

You must include an artist statement paragraph (minimum 5 sentences) explaining your artistic choices, why you picked or created the visual you chose, and how your visual interpretation illustrates or incorporates/ includes a motif, theme, symbol, characterization, tone, mood, and/ or and imagery of the scene.

The visual interpretation can be found pieces but, in that case, MUST be cited properly according to MLA standards. Please consult the OWL Purdue MLA citation guide found here: and look under “paintings, sculpture and photographs” for instructions on how to format your citation. You can use, and I encourage you to use, an electronic citation generator such as

All visuals MUST be appropriate for all; if you would not want your mother, little old grandmother, and / or the principal to see your visual interpretation you should not include it. This will be strongly enforced in order to keep the environment of the classroom safe and respectful for all.


Your visual interpretations must be handed in either in hard (paper) copy, on a USB thumb drive, or emailed to Ms. Nishi ( if you do not have access to a printer.


Here’s an example (please note that this particular visual and rationale CANNOT be used for your



For my visual interpretation I have chosen an image of the character Lord of Bones from HBO’s television show Game of Thrones. Not only does this image emphasize the ambiguity of the witches gender but the bone mask also obscures his/her face. I like the idea of having the witches covered in human bones because it draws attention to the unnatural savagery of their attitudes towards humankind. They do not care about the people of Scotland or have their best interests in mind; they basically just want to watch all of Scotland burn. So, by having them dressed in bones like, the Lord of Bones, this wickedness is emphasized. The image also emphasizes the continuing motif of death and decay within the world of Macbeth yet, at the same time, suggests that man is responsible for death and not nature itself drawing the viewer’s attention back on the motives of Macbeth being incredibly human and power hungry.



Benioff, D., & Weiss, D. (Writers). (2012, June 2). Game of Thrones: Valar Marghulis [Television series episode]. In Game of Thrones. Canada: HBO.