
“He [Macdonald] was a gentleman on whom I built / An absolute trust”

  • Trust = cornerstone of MacDonald’s rule
  • Trusts men too much, too easily.
  • Is easily fooled / believes man’s appearance and words to be truthful and honest without looking at or exploring what is underneath.
  • Duncan puts absolute trust in Men who viscously kill people for honor, glory, $$ and land. Forgetting that M are fickle, prone to power hunger.


“The service and loyalty I owe / in doing it, pays itself. Your highness’ part is to receive our duties and our duties / are to your throne and state, children and servants”

  • MCB in front of Duncan = picture perfect vision of fealty, loyalty and duty. Words suggest he is not power hungry and ambitious but loyally satisfied with serving his aging king.
  • Emphasize on duty and honor.
  • MCB paints himself as a humble servant to the crown who cares for the servants and children / the people of Scotland and not his own selfish ambition and needs.

“The Prince of Cumberland: that is a step / on which I must fall down or else o’erleap, / For in my way it lies, Stars, hide your fires: / Let not light see my black and deep desires.”

  • MCB ambition makes him dehumanize Malcom to a mere thing or obstacle to jump over instead of a human being with a Right to the throne that MCB does not have.
  • Stars hide your fires
    • Stars symolize nature
    • By ask nature to hide its fires/ eyes MCB knows what he is thinking / planning goes against nature and the natural order of things
    • MCB knows what he is planning is morally wrong yet does it anyways
      • He cannot plead ignorance.
    • Suggests that he is ashamed of his thoughts but does nothing to make change them.