Here are the notes from March 10th when we looked at Act 1.7 of Macbeth.

Reasons to Not Kill Duncan according to Macbeth
  • Duncan is his relative-they’re family.
  • He is Duncan’s host and is charged with his safety and protection.
  • Duncan is a good King and man and has given Macbeth nothing to warrant his death.
  • Macbeth has no cause to murder Duncan except for his hunger for ambition and power.

How Lady Macbeth convinces Macbeth to Murder Duncan:

  • By MCB backing out of their plan, LMB sees MCB as a coward and NOT a man.
    • LMB equates / connects ACTION and AMBITION with masculinity.
    • LMB emasculates and shames MCB
  • She takes the image of a loving and nurturing mother and tears it to pieces (the part where LMB says she would kill her own child if she had promised her husband she would do it)
    • She proves that not only does she have more power in their relationship, she is stronger, fearless, and devoid of human emotions.
  • MCB knows that if he doesn’t kill Duncan he will be forever shamed in the eyes of his wife-whom he loves- and she will never respect him again.