Monthly Archives: January 2016

Making Learning Personal

As teachers, it is crucial that we take into consideration the interests and lives of our students when planning a new lesson. This week was extra special for our students because Thursday night was “stuffy sleepover night”! Each student brought a stuffed animal from home, and throughout the day the students were able to engage their learning and were encouraged to teach their stuffed friends. During their writing exercises, the students wrote about what they thought might happen at the overnight sleepover. For silent reading, the students read stories (or had their stuffies read to them). When discussing what the students thought their friends might get up to that evening, one student suggested that they should know the school and classroom rules so that they don’t get into any trouble. So, that afternoon, the students sat at the carpet and brainstormed some good rules to set for the sleepover and write them down for each of their stuffed animals.


Each student was engaged in the lessons, and they were excited for the next day, to see what (if anything) had happened the previous night. Before leaving for the day, the students tucked in their friends and said goodnight. The next morning, before entering the classroom, the students would write predictions about what they thought had gone on the previous night, they then would walk into class and see if their furry pals were where they had been left.

This lesson brought in such a personal element and gave the students something to write about, to read to/with, to make predictions about. The students were excited about the day and it showed in their work. They had more to write about in their journals, they wanted to read for longer, they wanted to provide opinions and thoughts throughout the day. This activity goes to show that students are eager to participate when learning is personal and fun.


As a teacher candidate, this was a very fun day for me to observe, the students were engaged, and excited. I was skeptical about classroom management, especially for my lesson right after lunch. But as suggested by my school advisor, I used a wireless microphone in order to get and hold student attention. I was amazed at how well everyone was listening and doing their tasks even with the exciting new additions sitting on their desks. Understanding how to incorporate exciting elements into student learning can be challenging, especially when we want our students to participate and contribute to an effective learning environment. I am looking forward to hearing what the stuffed animals got into, although, I might have a pretty good idea.

Language in the Classroom

4691529As teachers, the language we use with our students can be very impactful in their education. Using words with negative connotations can have an impact that students take to heart. What about when we use words that are perhaps, overly positive? Might the use of these words set an expectation to students? When we use words to commend good work, I think it is important to promote the effort – “well done!” “good work” “you are getting much better at…!”. These are things that will motivate our students to achieve, it will not cause them to doubt and it will not cause them to plateau or create anxieties of unrealistic expectations. When we see improvement in our students efforts, we must commend their work, it is important that we do. But is it not just as important that we promote growth as well?

This is something I struggle with, I naturally use positive words such as “perfect!” or “amazing!”, and I am conscious of this. One might not think it is a big deal, after all, it is our job to promote achievements. But does language like “perfect” promote a standard or expectation? The expectation is a students’ best, not perfection. Does being overly positive in our language increase anxieties? Do students think we expect amazing work each time? That is an unfair standard. I am working on giving appropriate feedback, providing scaffolding where needed. For students to work towards a standard of perfection is unfair. Even though we may not intend to imply literal perfection, and instead offer praise for a job well done, we must tread lightly when it comes to the language we use in the classroom.

Does Assessment Kill Student Creativity? – Reflection

Pre-reading: My reaction to the title of this weeks article Does Assessment Kill Creativity? by Ronald A. Beghetto was pretty straight forward – “Not if we are doing our job right”. In my opinion, if a student does not feel that they are able to express their creativities then we have failed them. We have failed to create a supportive environment and we have failed to see their process. Not all creative undertakings need to result in flawless work, students are limited by time, resources and understanding, it is our duty to help them through the process and allow them to create. If our assessment practices are causing students to avoid being creative, then we need new practices. Our assessments should strive to encourage and foster creativity, not ‘kill’ it.

During Reading: While reading this article, a few things struck me, the idea of goal setting in particular. Students should be involved in the setting of their own goals. A teacher may have goals for students, but those goals should be “what can I help this student improve on..?” and then take into account what the student strives for as well. Teachers should be talking with their students and understanding what their goals are, how they plan to achieve the goals and what we can to do help. Teachers are educational guides, we are along for the ride, children are the most creative when they feel their ideas are valid. Students need to be able to make their own conclusions, feel what it is to be successful and also to fail, as long as the process is there and a lesson is learned, who are we to assess if what they learned was right or wrong. In the end, it is up to the student to determine if they have reached their end goals, they should not be compared with their peers when it comes to creativity, creativity is an individual venture, an expression of ones-self and ideas.

After reading the article Does Assessment Kill Student Creativity? a few things come to mind. The idea that there is so much emphasis placed on the assessment of a students creative work (to the point of ‘killing creativity’) frankly should not happen. If and when a students creative work is to be assessed, it should be done throughout the process and not based solely (if at all) on the final product. Teachers should be conducting regular check in’s with their students in order to understand the individuals process of creativity. Regardless if the final product results in objectively successful results, it is the process that needs to count. As teachers, it is our job to foster an environment where students can work confidently and feel free to show their individuality and creativity. If a student does not feel comfortable enough to be creative, then we have failed them with our assessments. Students should be encouraged to explore and think outside of the box, and we should not place a rubric on that process, it is not fair to our students and is not fair to the creative process.


Beghetto, R.A., (2005). Does assessment kill student creativity? The Educational Forum, (69) 2 p254-263


Creativity and Personalized Learning

As someone who is new to the process of inquiry, I must say that I am very excited about the topic I have chosen. I am looking forward to seeing it shift and morph into something new and hopefully help me form my teaching methods. My idea that students come equipped with curiosities, preconceptions and a thirst to explore, learn and grow will be the basis for my research. When coming up with my inquiry topic, I focused on a few things:

  • Ken Robinson’s Tedtalk “Do School Kills Creativity” (2006)
    • The education system has been set up in a certain way that does not currently promote the success of every child.
    • We, as educators need to think of students as individuals, with individual needs, talents and competencies that should be taken into account.
    • Students have been taught to be afraid of being wrong and therefore do not come up with anything original.
  • Practicum Experience
    • Students who are involved in their learning are more likely going to make connections and commit the information to their long term memories.
  • Memories are associated with emotions
    • If students are not involved or engaged, they will likely not remember the lesson or objective

I am looking forward to pursuing these ideas further and hope to come out the other end with some interesting and exciting ideas.



Robinson, K. (2006, February 1). Do Schools Kill Creativity. Lecture presented at Tedtalk.