Recovered! the “El Calaboz e-portfolio”, Microsoft Shareware, WSU…

Those following the foundations and genesis of the Tamez case against the U.S. government (DHS, CBP, US Army, et al.) since 2007 may have been wondering (some of you loyally kept inquiring about its mis-/dis-location from WSU’s server (numerous times!), and then its deportation to the cutting room floor of the dark web after Trump assumed office…


After much collaboration and continued dialogue with committed allies, (technologically savvy folks dedicated to truth, to knowing, to historical memory, to anti-violence, to justice, and to freedom of information), I re-located the site. Due to the stalwart efforts of knowledge-keepers and knowledge-protectors of all walks of life, from all four directions, the El Calaboz e-portfolio is re-risen like a phoenix.

Now, please send me your ideas and recommendations for how best to transfer this site, in-tact if possible, (with all the hundreds of links embedded within and its archives–if possible!)–to where? Recommendations please and fast!

I’ll be keeping the blog updated now, as I trace and document my process to re-solve this problem…



Published by


Poet. Historian. Dene Nde' Isdzan. Alleys & Allies (Saddle Tramp Press, 1991) Naked Wanting (U. Arizona Press, 2003) Raven Eye (U. Arizona Press, 2007) Father | Genocide: New & Selected Work, 2008-2018, (in progress) Gathering Together We Decide (co-edited with C. Bejarano & J.P. Shepherd, in progress) We Remained | The history and poetics of Dene Nde' belonging, dispossession, refusal and resurgence in the Big Water Country, 1521-2018 (in progress). B.A. Classic Archaeological Studies (U. Texas at Austin) B.A. Art History (U. Texas at Austin) MFA Poetry (Arizona State University) PhD American Studies, Emphasis Area: Nde' Women's historical perspectives; oral history; memory; human rights; Indigenous rights; archives; militarization; empire; Mexico, Texas, U.S., Canada; borders; genocide; Indigenous methodologies; community-engaged methods.

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