Theron Desrosier, where would this process of searching and finding the deep web be if it weren’t for your tenacious and persistent looking through the web’s
innumerable replications of canals, burrows, and drains
where categories, and archives seep down into the abyss.
Thankfully, the El Calaboz e-portfolio had gravitas, and gravity.
Though, in the finding, it hovered in my email account, and the work
piled on and atop of it… for a year.
Thoroughly, weighted, it waited for me to make space, in my brain,
in my memory, for arrivals, findings, routes, and rooting.
2007-2009 WSU archiving returned.
Returning and finding, wrought into my detached memory
the capacity to re-attach and to make that which was fragmented
and lost in space
mine once again.
Downloaded, into paper, into documents, into stapled groups
of substantiation. Evidence.
This really happened. The process really occurred.
This is re-mapping in digital zones. I have a zone.
I’ll remain in my zone. Though, by Indigenous law,
will refute others’ attempts to harvest and mine
that which is irrevocably