andromeda-cropThe ancient Greek section represents spring, and touches upon several different myths and the intersections between them. This section is rich in imagery, since the public is familiar with Greek constellation stories. The view of a Greek-styled star map shows the constellations that are represented. Beginning with the story of Andromeda, the maiden chained to an ocean stone by her jealous aunt Cassiopeia and the sea monster, Cetus, who guards her there. The second story refers to Orpheus, the creator of music, is seen playing his lyre with Cygnus before he is asked by sailors to accompany them on their next perilous journey.


In the skies above, among the clouds, Pegasus searches for its hero Perseus. Cutting from that scene is the eagle Aquila, and the constellations of arrogant Orion and Scorpio, who do battle eternally in the heavens. Next, Perseus has just defeated the evil Gorgon Medusa and is leaving the cave. Pegasus finds Perseus, and they leave the Gorgon cave. In the final plot, Orpheus sails the sea with the sailors, and as expected, three sirens try to lure the men off their ship. With Orpheus, on board, however, he plays soothing music on his Lyra louder than the siren’s call and the men are saved. Andromeda is also saved by Perseus.

This section ends with the Orpheus’ Lyra forming the constellation in the starry skies.


The Chinese section represents summer, and depicts the eternal love story of the Weaver Woman (Vega Star in Lyra constellation) and Cowherd Man (Altair Star in Aquila constellation). In the story, Weaver Woman and Cowherd are two lovers, but because heavenly bodies were forbidden from romantic endeavors, the Heavenly Goddess became angry with them, and in punishment, banished Cowherd Man to earth to live out his days as human. Weaver Woman comes down to earth, and they are together again, but the Heavenly Goddess again separates them, taking Weaver Woman back to the heavens. Not able to follow his love, Cowherd Man breaks down but is surprised when his ox speaks to him.


It is revealed that his ox is actually the celestial Golden Ox. The Ox tells him that with his hide, he can fly to the heavens and be with his love. Just as they are to be reunited, the Heavenly Goddess creates the Milky Way between them, visualized by Music of the Heavens as a dragon. As hope is lost, birds fill the sky and create a bridge for the two lovers to meet on. The Heavenly Goddess finally relents, and allows the couple to meet on this bird-made bridge once a year. This story is the integral story of the Chinese Qixi festival, held on the 7th day of July every year.

This section ends with story character melting back into the starry heavens, transforming into the great bear constellation.


The section of autumn is the story of The Big Dipper. It is A Haudenosaunee story of a giant Bear and the three brothers, as Amberley John recalls hearing it being told by her father Bradley John. This story shares why the the leaves change colours in autumn and relates to when the men should be hunting. The story begins with the Big Dipper constellation. The giant bear destroy the crops of the people and eats all of the animals and food on the land. Bear is visualized as a mechanical monstrosity, a symbol of industrialization which carries the theme of greed and devastation of land story into a contemporary context. The three brothers sit around a campfire and share that they have all dreamt that they are the ones who have to kill the bear terrorizing the land. They track the bear and follow its footsteps in the snow. The bear runs away into the sky and the brothers follow it.


They chase each other around the Earth and then make their way out into the heavens, running past intricate stars. Finally, the brothers manage to shoot the bear and its blood covers the Earth. The bear’s blood gets onto the tree’s leaves and turns them red, marking the beginning of autumn and Haudenausonee hunting season. Every year the three brothers and bear renew this cycle.

The animation ends with transitioning to winter, represented as an abstract dance between snowflakes and stars. The stars created here will be from community members.