Help them fail

This blog deals with enterpreneurs spirit.

Nowadays a lot of western businesses pay close attention to the underdeveloped countries in Africa, Asia etc. Many of countries in that regions regularly receive medical and humanitarian help from “Big Brothers”. However one may easily argue, that those donations are only hurting the economies of those countries.

When a human is given something for free (humanitarian help, for example), with time it appears to be taken for granted. People lose inititive, enterpreneurial spirit.

Such sites as work differently. They offer each one of us to help. Though not in a traditional way of “collecting money for poor children of country N”. On this website each one donate 25$. All the money donated then constitute basic capital, that is then invested in local business. This creates working places, starts feeding this country.

I doubt that sole donation of food/money/help can help the country (only short-term). For country to be prosperous, investment has to be done, especially at the very low level.


Update, November 15th:

Today we had professor Jor Croecker at our class talking about ARC initiative. This lecture made me rethink some of the statements I made earlier. Is help that inneficient? It appears that ARC team has actually helped many people to achieve more in their enterpreneurial strivings. Though still this was not just a charity. They taught BUSINESS to future/actual BUSINESSMEN, that are to create workplaces and stimulate their countries’ economies

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