Teach ’em all!

Khan academy,
free online MIT and Stanford courses.

Online education skyrockets in its development, and in 10 years many degrees may shift online. Because, lets face it- there are too many people on the earth eaher for education. While it may be fine now, quite soon being in university (especially in the top one- we all want the best, right?)  may become extremely competitive.

Such intstitutions as Phoenix university already offer people online degrees. They are cheaper, they save you time, you can work at the meantime…benefits from all around. Though- they are not recognized as well as old style campuses. But isnt it just a question of time?

Such enterprises as Khan academy are good examples of social enterprise. You can access the site from any place on the Earth, thus anyone can really be achieving their educational goals. (you will have to learn enlish and get internet first, of course).

Does future of education lie in online? It looks like certain part of it will shift online, as there is demand to meet. However old style universities wont give up their positions, infrastructure and investements for free.

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