Make me an enterpreneur

Back from where I come from all boys below age of 20-25 dream of becoming a businessman. Some succed, majority does not, and absolute majority only dreams, but never tries.

I personally heard the craziest ideas. One of them was smuggling cars bought in US to Ukraine, to profit from non-taxed difference. Other idea I heard was to set up a strip-club, as it is “too profitable”. Of course that strip-club would be an undercover brothel, because “well why not?”. One more idea concerned bringing iphone from Canada and selling them on-place.

Some ideas were original, like the strip-club one. Some werent even ideas:

-Lets make up something that wasnt there before!
-Well what?
-Well I dont know! We have to think about it!

Of course hours long debates never yielded anything efficient. (Well, for me they did- I ended up in business school).

Everyone back home wants to be an “enterpreneur”. But to be honest, none of those, who actually starts an enterprise actually is an enterpreneur. They are just businessmen. But when I try to explain that- people simply do not understand.
They dont understand what to be enterpreneur really is, and neither do they carry any social responsibility. They are al about “riping people off”.

It seems like underdeveloped countries like Ethiopia are performing better social-enterprise wise than relatively wealthy and quite middle-economic class Ukraine.

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