We dont need no managment structure, we dont need thought control.



One of stronger software developers Valve has amazed the world when they published their employees handbook

The strange thing about Valve is that it has no managers. At all. There is someone above, who rools the company, however employees are free to do whatever they want to. One who is leading project today may end up being letter-boy in the next project. (in fact it is rare for someone to be leader for 2 consecutive projects).

Salaries are also determined by democratic choice. The one, who worked more will get more.

This system is innovative and has no known analog I am aware of.

The interesting question here is would such a system work for non-software company? Logic says, that not really. Say, supermarket would probably not be able to operate without strict managment control.

However such an idea is interesting, and it would be interesting to implement it in non-software business environment to see how it works.

in the end it may appear the most effective managerial system ever invented…or the worst one.

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