Instagram me

As I like to say- welcome to the 21st century!

Nowadays not only the robots from sci-fi movies become real, but also it becomes insanely easy to create your own business.

I am not talking about the legal way- this is deffinetely long and hard, filled with paperwork procedure and never it takes only few hours to set up.

However if you choose to go illegal (like most of start ups do) you will yourself in the presense of vast choice on how to actually start a business.

One of them is to advertise your products through instagram. This article talks about the convinience of using instagram to advertise products, and weirdly enough- they do get sold.

However what this blog post does not mention is how to find appropriate buyers on instagram. My friend is actually selling clothes of instagram page without any physical shop, which pretty much allows her to keep her costs at zero. What she does to find customers is really easy. The main products that are sold on the page are fashion-luxury brand clothes, watches etc. As there is really defined group of customers, she goes on surfing instagram pages of celebrities, fashion desginers, fashion bloggers and other instagram shops. There she pretty much follows all the people she finds there.

Such a method has proven to generate a stream of customers, and as the costs of the shop are zero and she doesnt need to keep any inventory she is able to offer a huge range of products to interest even more customers.

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