Moscow gettin LVed

Ever wanted to amaze your customers?
Looking for a way to make the world speak about you?
Want to make something fun and viral?

Yeah. Just put  a giant LV box in the middle of Red Square in Moscow, Russia.

This thing looks kind of weird, and the fact that such a company as LV has put it on the main square in one of the most LV buying cities in the world makes it even weirder.

Im not sure if I have to mention this, but the box has driven russians nuts.

However, was LV at all wrong?

Lets analyze simple facts:
LV has a brand presense on the major cities’ main square.
And this happens during Christmas rush.
And everyone is talking about LV.
All around the world, really. All of a sudden everyone is talking about LV.

Im just curious to look at LVs selling graph in Russia for November-December of 2013.

After all this looks like one crazy PR stunt that may end up in HUGE sales for LV. 

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