Reflective blog post

Working as a team, especially in such a diverse community as Sauder is always a challenge. Honestly, many people pray to get into good team to escape the need to drag the whole team along and doing all the work on your own. Luckily this was not the case for my team.

Suprisingly team worked as a watch. Of course there were minor glitches, however none of them were too serious to bother. The meetings were regular and the work was thorough and yeildful. All the team members performed differenty of all stages of project due to personal factors. Some were more efficient at one stage, others- later.

Probably the most comprehensive task was to find the meeting time that would fit everybody. Planning meetings last year was much easier, however now everyone has various extracurriculars, work, homework, more courses etc.

However we always eventually managed to find time to meet. A few meetings did not happen and we had to work online in the facebook group.


Overall this team was quite efficient and I believe is a good example of a well-balanced team that manages to produce higher overall level of efficiency than every separate memeber of the group would on their own.

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