Children of virtual millenium

Googles’ shares are sold at 675.15 $ (state of October 29th). This company has started from producing virtual product, which still generates majority of its’ profit.

Facebook is similar. Even though its’ IPO failed dramatically company is still in good shape. Its debts to assets ratio is quite low, making Facebook almost impossible to bankrupt.

Neither of these companies earned their fortune on producing and selling physical goods. However both eventually got there. Or close. Googles’ Android system is now installed on majority of smartphones and Facebook is now delivering gifts.

I would like to comment of this sudden “shift” to physical reality. More and more users are now using FB through their phones, which doesnt allow for advertisements to show (primary source of websites income). Thus firms profits were falling. Possibly, such “extention” to the physical world is just a way to protect the company? Virtual products are fairly new in this world, whilst physical products have a long story (the story starts deep in times, when barter trade appeared).

So is this a way to protect the company, or is Facebook just trying to satisfy its users?

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