myles blog

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November 29th, 2010 · No Comments

Rogers Image

I have included a link to an image I saw downtown this weekend in regards to the upcoming Rogers parade.

I thought this was crafty marketing on Rogers part. They probably help pay for the parade which can be considered some kind of philanthropy event. This is great for public image, as well as for the city.Not to mention great for Rogers bottom line… I’m sure these adds will help warm the hearts of many shoppers seeking a new cell phone contract, I mean Christmas spirit.

However why cant rogers simply give and not receive?, after all the spirit of Christmas is giving. And after all they make millons of dollars of helpless canadians every year. Or should we just re-name Christmas in the honor of Rogers and everything capitalism?


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People blowing up, seriously. no I’m not kidding, seriously people blow up! INSANE!

November 24th, 2010 · No Comments

So for this post I want to shift my attention away from me and towards Artem Karpov. K, firstly this guys Russian. Do you even know how hard that language is to speak? Well ill tell you, its pretty damn near fricking impossible. Thankfully the Russians have really long boring winters giving them time practice speaking their language (and drinking vodka of course). Oh and he is Jewish! (probably my favorite religious group that is known to man…and dolphins, which are super smart FYI.) So now that you have a stupendous background of information on my friend, buddy, pal, guy, bro, dude, homeboy, soul-mate? Just kidding about that last one! But seriously now that you know SO much about Artem its time to talk about HIS BLOG!

heeerrrrreee we gooooo!

Artems’ Blog, which you can find HERE!——> talks about many amazing things, however lets just focus on his Park Royal men washroom post. Its all about in your face drop dead marketing. What I mean is this particular add tells macho dudes/bros like Artem, Diego or me to go back and keep shopping after we use the washroom. Its telling us to man up! Well actually its telling us that we are girls, or of the girlfriend nature. Anyways lets not fret on the details. Simply put this add snaps at you like angry chihuahua (think of paris hiltons one, and no I will not capitalize her name, NEVER!) Then after the adds done snapping and has your attention it simply informs that they will be hosting a pleasant little sidewalk sale in PR, urrr uhhh in july sometime. I dont really remember the date that was posted, im still wondering why the mirror just called me its “girlfirend”.

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November 22nd, 2010 · No Comments

As promised I have delivered on the best possible smart phone topic in Canada. No it’s not the incapable Apple 4, because contrary to popular belief apple didn’t “change everything again” with their new phone. No, instead we will talk about how a special company called HTC sparks change like water from a well. Specifically this will be a review based on the HTC desire Z. Some call it a smart-phone, but I call it “magic in your pocket” phone.

At first glance the product is simple looking, only a few buttons in view. However on closer inspection another dimension reveals itself. A full keyboard flips out from under the large HD screen. And presto, you’re typing faster than you did in grade 9 computer class! By all means this isn’t the end of the fantastic wealth of functions this phone possesses. It has an 800MHZ processor, that’s a snapdragon for all you tech savvy people. HTC Z also has a great web based service called sense which allows users to find a lost phone with GPS, and wipe all data if the phone is stolen for good.

Regrettably a huge drawback of a large processor and HD screen is battery life. With a very large battery the Z only manages to accommodate a day of heavy use. If you dim the screen, avoid Downloading excessive Mylie Cyress videos then it can last a few days. The problem is there are so many layers in this phone, it’s always thinking, which means that processor is buzzing. Of course this can all be limited with inboard settings, but that’s like never shifting a race car out of first gear! This leads me to a side point. Battery technology is the single most con-stringent factor on all technology today. It limits our high performance goods. Only with the introduction of better advanced ultra-capacitors and super-capacitors also known as EESU (electronic energy storage units) or other new types of battery’s will we ever free from limitations of current design.

You might say, “Yah that’s great Myles, but I have never heard of HTC before, let alone this magic in your pocket phone”. Well don’t sweat it because HTC has got you covered. HTC uses retailers to sell their product. By contracting out the work to people who specialize in selling phones like Rogers, Bell, and TELUS HTC saves bucket loads of money (which means you save!). Your second question might be something like “how come HTC doesn’t just design, manufactures, sell, and provide networks for their devices.” The simple answer is cost of capital. However for a better description we must go into the jowls of marketing ascend deep into the belly of the beast. Only their can we really figure out why HTC prefers to just design and service the phones.

HTC uses channels to sell its goods for it. Hypothetically they give the phone to company which then sells the phone to a customer, however HTC doesn’t really “give” the phone to the provider, they just give them the right to sell it which once sold the funds are carved up between provider and seller.

HTC keeps its channels tight, knowing that expensive high performance goods like “magic in your pocket” phones need short channels in order to create and effective link between customer and designer.

Keeping cost down is apparent in many markets. And the balance between effective channels and excessive channels keeps HTC cost down. If a company has too many channels it could inflate its product cost, and then reduce sales. However if the company tries to span too many channels by itself it can cause an unsustainable disadvantage for the company. Covering too many channels can be very expensive, although some companies can do it like Coke-a-Cola. Remember specialization is the key. It’s just not realistic for a company like HTC to Build, sell, wireless service, market, transport and warranty a phone. Instead of HTC trying to cover the blocker, sack and QB, make the kick, and score the touch down they focus on just throwing down mouth-watering products that keep you com’in back for more. They leave the TLog to the pros.

To sum it all up

1. HTC has to specialize to keep their business focused and profitable

2. Apple 4 is the worst thing to come from apple yet (don’t worry apple fans there will be more)

3. When purchasing a phone consider a manufactures business plan. Do they have good channels that will help keep the cost comparable with the value you get?

4. Get the HTC desire Z before they are all gone!

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November 22nd, 2010 · No Comments

Myles Blog

Sorry everyone, I know it’s been awhile. For the past 2 weeks I have been on business deep in the Congo Jungle far away from marketing, and any internet based connection. But don’t worry; I have saved up some really juicy ones. In this blog I will throw down some media samples and follow with short description and then a discussion. In my next blog I will link to our class representative, Artem Karpov. He has some interesting things to say. Light will be shed and now without any further ado Lights camera, ACTION!

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November 2nd, 2010 · No Comments

Marketing Blog

Apex Soap products

Today I want to write about a case study from my COMM 349 Logistics Services Management class. The case is about Apex Soaps logistics cost problems between their companies trucking fleet and contract trucking fleets.

John Apex is a chemist and the inventor of Apex biodegradable soap. He has managed to create a successful company with considerable market share. In 1997 the company had increased its sales margin by 10% but experienced a drop in profit by around 5%. This was somewhat explained by the recent price war that the soap industry was in. However the company needed to dig deeper to find the real problem with their current strategy.

The bigger problem was the 17% increase in transportation cost over one year. Since 80% of Apex’s transportation fleet was owned by Apex they started investigating there. The problem was quickly discovered.  The private fleet cost where nearly 27% more than benchmark average.

Discussion of eliminating the private fleet was met with uproar from the marketing division. They claimed that the added value of having their own trucks with Apex advertisements on the side outweighed the added cost of owning a fleet.

A cost benefit analysis could confirm or reject this thought.

Also thoughts on how customers actually learn about this product would be important to consider. Do ecofriendly people who generally research a product before use find advertising on the side of a truck inspiring? I don’t really know the answer to this question but I’m leaning towards no.

Another thing for Apex to consider is if they get an entire trucking company to work for them they could make that company show Apex soap advertisements on the side. This would be the best option in my opinion.

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October 25th, 2010 · No Comments

Dyeing billboards, well actually they just bleed a lot.

I wanted to make this blog post in reference to my college Diego Attolini most recent post about a new road safety in New Zealand.

He talks about how New Zealand struggles with road safety in the rainy season and how one of the cities is attempting to reduce fatal accidents.

No, this is not the start of new ground breaking state of the art crash resistant car technology being put on the roads, nor construction of safer motorways. Indeed the method to this motorway madness is quite simple. They are attempting to create awareness with new “drive responsibly” billboards.

Diego further goes into descriptive detail about the nature of the signs, and after watching the video clip I too was shocked. To sum the billboard up in one sentence: “holy @#%^!”.

Being a motorist myself I have hands on experience of driving and find advertisements are continually taking too desperate of measures to capture my glance. Regrettably this is the world we live in; everyone has to stand on their heads in order to get a flicker of our time.

Diego further goes into questioning the safety of these bleeding billboards, and I can fully agree with him that they are potentially more dangerous than safe.

What we should be focusing on to reduce accidents is getting more cars off the road with alternative green transportation and raising safe driving awareness before we get into the car. Showing very intense images to drivers who are trying to concentrate on driving safely seems counterproductive. Remember very few people get into their car and decide to crash, but distracting a driver for even a few seconds can cause life altering repercussions.

Instead of eye catching billboards, simple sentences like “drive safe” or “slow down” would service. Also with all the money the city would save with cheaper signs they could afford a few more bike lanes or buses instead!

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Online Marketing

October 18th, 2010 · No Comments

There is a vast space in the business world comprised of something small. However when thinking of business companies names like Rogers, Wal-Mart, Safeway, and many more brand names will pop into materialization probably because of their predominate claim to our hearts through effective marketing. They are not the focus. These larger companies like Rogers have been marketing in many different forms of media for years. Whats interesting is what we are seeing now is more and more small business are seeing that fit to engage in web based marketing as well. And rightly so, without this sort of channel it would be very hard to stay competitive.

When I was reading Journey to the Center of the Marketing Universe on I was informed that small business needs to focus on the web to “supplement their marketing efforts and create another potential channel for marketing messages.”

The writer talks about O2O businesses. That focuses on driving people online to drive them offline. What the writer means is the challenge of business these days you must capture that customer on the web in order to drive them to your store or business. It’s not enough to just be in a shop, you must have your shop easily found on the web in order for customers to find the business. If not someone else doing a similar job will likely have some sort of wed based contact information and beat you to the punch.


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October 12th, 2010 · No Comments

The Bloginator

Are we living in an overstimulated world? Do our lives constantly come into question from street advertisements, television commercials, radio ads, and brand name branding?

The answer is not just a simple yes or no.

Of course the questions above are simplistic in nature and definitely run the risk of over-generalized answers. But the fact remains there are few people on this earth whom have avoided marketing’s strangle hold. The very fingernails of the hand that feeds are forced so deeply into the flesh of society’s neck that realistically there is no escape.

However there are people who do avoid the strangle hold in certain dimensions. But certainly in some respect or another they will be subject to some sort of consumerism binge in at least one element of their lives.

I know for myself I continue to avoid being captured and enslaved by the many tantalizing advertisements designed to empty my pocket of every coin. I dwell not on the idea of being drained of money, because we have monetary means in order to make satisfactory and beneficial gains, but on the very usefulness of the coin given for the service provided. I think many people believe that they live their lives this way as well, but realistically most do not. That is because it’s simply impossible. Marketing continuously tricks our brains, preying on our weaknesses in order to completely exploit us.

For example you might think a recent purchase is a great product, even if it was a little out of a budget. However a few weeks down the road it may start to disappoint. Maybe not on the serious level of defect, but on a detailed level like premature wear and tear or. This in a sense is a rip off. We have all experienced it, even if unaware. And the only person responsible for the rip off is you for buying the product. Nothing is essentially wrong with the good or service according to law. We have grown to accept most goods as disposable goods, even when they shouldn’t be. It’s foolish. We are tricked day in day out. The best part is mostly the corporations aren’t even trying to trick us really. At least they know their selling junk.

These days far too much hype in the marketing and too little functionality in the product is incorporated. Example being: Baby Carrots, what a joke. The SAME product already exists. The re-invention of the wheel is a sour game. For one I’m insulted by such actions. What’s more insulting is how society has accepted this and buys into it like it’s not a big deal. Actions speak louder than word my friends.

I still haven’t found the answer to the overstimulated problem, other than burning our entire system to the ground and starting over. And somehow I think that could be a little counterproductive.

A well understood fact is my generation’s abilities to multitask the input of information. We are far superior to our predecessors in this field. To be overwhelmed is norm; in fact our brain enjoys it.  We have been forced to fashion defenses. Strong mental shields attempt to protect us from the overwhelming constant stream of information. Without these shields even our advanced multitasking brains would be in for a meltdown. May the best advertisement win.

With this constant desensitization the marketing world is always trying to bore a hole through our shields with new methods. Quickly we adapt. Or accept. I fear my shield is growing weaker with its holes.

The marketer’s knows if you shoot enough arrows from many angles even the quickest of souls will be pierced. But what really pisses me off is the single impale is meant to feel like a choice, and in many ways it is. Nevertheless in the choice lies an illusion and that is we feel it’s nothing but a choice when really it was a forced choice. It must be clear that the act of choosing between A or B is not the part being forced but the act of having to enter the whelm of choice in the first place is the real issue.

Even with these shields full of holes we are still victims of the consumerism until we die. The dealer always wins in this game.

I think I might move to Tibet. Or maybe pull a Calvin and Hobbes and trek to Alaska. I hear advertisements have a hard time growing on trees.

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October 4th, 2010 · No Comments

Marketing Blog 2

Myles Panz

I would like to focus my second blog on HTC. They are high quality cellular telephone manufacture that ships unit’s worldwide. They have been a hit in Europe and their new wave of android phones is washing up on North American shores quickly. They are in direct competition with Apple’s iPhone, all Samsung, LG, Blackberry, Sony, and Acer smartphones.

HTC has taken a few steps in their marketing and design of their smartphones in order to differentiate them. They use one solid piece of aluminum as the foundation of the phone. This creates outstand durability and doesn’t add much more weight than a conventional plastic injection mould. Another useful part to the Aluminum foundation is there is no sun damage or quick breakdown that plastics get. Also beautiful components like high resolution cameras and video recorders all come built in with every HTC smartphone.

Although they are deemed as a luxury product and thus expensive brand, HTC offers less expensive models with all the great features of their A-list phones. However users will find these phones don’t have the same edge as the more top of the line models. What I mean by that is although the lower level phones made by HTC have all the same great principles the company uses to build a phone. They won’t have the 8 mega pixel camera or the newest version of android supported or the fastest processor or the largest amount of storage space. They still will have the one piece of aluminum with a great looking design and cool crisp clean finish.  I like this part of the company because they try and give everyone the option of getting a high quality phone, no matter your price range.


For more depth into HTC I want to take a look at their newest and most powerful android powered cell phone, the Desire HD. Release in early October for Europe, the Desire HD was a huge hit. Fans await its arrival in North America. This absolute brilliant piece of machinery is elegant and powerful, oh and it’s got an HD screen!

I like how on HTC webpage they say “Here’s an idea: Super-fast internet. Phones that give you an exhilarating browsing experience.” The reason I like this bold statement is because it gets the customer thinking “hey, that is what I want and it’s not totally unreasonable”. People sometimes need to see the obvious in order to be reminding of its existence.

HTC sense is a program like no other. It enables HTC customers to wirelessly control their phone. This gives practically unlimited options for the user. Say if you leave the phone at home. Simply log on to your Sense account and tell you HTC phone to forward all calls to your office number. That way you can stay connected even with your phone is under your pillow at home. Another useful part of the sense system is it allows you to lock your phone and post a reward message if it’s stolen. Or active the ringer to see if it’s close by (even if the phone was on silent), check mate Apple.

The 7 minute video clip on HTC website goes into great deal of advertising this Desire HD, it starts off with an amazing 3D image of the phone slowly turning around on the screen. The 4.3inch screen is impressive. The video goes into detail on everything you would need to know about this phone, which is spectacular for those nerds (like me) out there. However everything in the video clip is well explained so even the most technologically challenged individuals will be in the loop.

I would like to end by saying I really enjoy HTC marketing strategies. They are crisp and to the point, with little fluff or nonsense. In my opinion that is why they are effective. The informative, high paced advertising they do captivates me almost completely. This will defiantly be my next phone..even if I have to wait for December.


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Hello world!

September 20th, 2010 · 1 Comment

Hello my name is Myles. This is my first blog, and it will be related to ANYTHING to do with marketing. 🙂

I wanted to blog about a funny and effective commercial I found on you tube about 6 months ago. It honestly made me laugh for about 5 minutes. Sure enough the next time I went shopping I purchased the product they were pitching in this add. I was hooked.

I think this add was effective mainly because of the actor. He is extremely fit and has hilarious facial expressions. Since the commercials actually fun to watch I found myself checking it out on my free time. Now that’s seduction.  Also since the commercial is so weird it really stands out from the average add. In fact the only reason I paid attention to the commercial in the first place was because of its abnormality.

Another note I wanted to make was how this commercial probably didn’t cost Old Spice too much. Besides the actor everything else was very basic. It was effective because it gave the product a tough image and made me want to try the new body wash.

I especially like the part when he breaks through the wall and knocks the mini building down. The addition of fire was great.

I wouldn’t say that it was love at first sight but I would recommend this product to any guy who needed a good body wash. It really works as well as the commercial said it would, and for me that’s a huge plus.

Old spice has created a great image in the past few years with these campaigns and a huge fan base with this simple marketing. This cannot be ignored!

Here is a link to the commercial on you tube:

You will also find other related adds by Old Spice on the right hand side of the you tube webpage.

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