An Ode to the Dining Hall

By: Mason (Residence Coordinator – Salish)


Oh, Dining Hall, how I do love thee. Every time I ascend those stairs and cross the threshold unto the glory of your many culinary options my heart is uplifted. From the consistently delicious wraps to the vibrantly coloured Jello cups I have not yet once been disappointed.

Many times I have thought to myself, ‘Whatever am I to dine on tonight?’ only to be wonderfully surprised by a mystery dish of which I was previously unaware. How was I to know the glorious brilliance of warm stew with pork and bok choi for lunch on a cold, rainy day? The plethora of pasta with cheese, local veggies, assortments of meats and sauces, and garnished with a lovely salad from the consistently reliable salad bar.

On weekends I treat myself to the specials coming from the grill. Plates piled high with chicken tenders, special hot dogs, burgers on pretzel buns, and springy curly fries wrap me in a blanket of the comfort foods of my childhood. Let’s not forget the side bar, where you can get all the potato and vegetable options that you could ever want. There’s cereal, bagels, cookies, muffins, veges galore, fresh carved meats, pastas from around the world, wraps and sandwiches for those looking to go simple, pizza for when the mood strikes, and all served by some of the friendliest people you will ever meet.

Not every time that I’ve walked into the Dining Hall have I gotten what I’ve wanted, but I’ve always gotten what I needed, and for that I have to show my deepest thanks for the wonderful people who help me with my favourite part of the day.

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