By: Kyle (Residence Advisor – Dene)
It probably feels like aeons since you submitted your transcripts to UBC’s academic offices and wrote essays about why you wanted to study here.
And yet… here you are now: a full-fledged University Student! And everything is so… new. Right down to the small things, like doing your laundry for the first time, or being introduced to people from a myriad different backgrounds and walks of life; the beauty of it all being that these students often live just down the hall from you.
With so much going on, sometimes it can be hard to keep track of everything, let alone reflect on how you can make the most out of your years here. Contained herein are some nuggets of wisdom I wish I knew as a freshman. Considering that some of the most important moments of our lives can be measured in seconds, just imagine what roughly eighteen-thousand odd days could amount to!
Thus, I pass these on to you. May your first year be awesome to the nth degree!
- Do a little bit of work every day. It’s a lot easier than leaving everything until the night before.
- Be very, very nice to your T.A’s.
- Read to understand. Understanding takes a lot less time and effort than reading blindly. Ask yourself lots of questions about the material.
- Stay balanced and take care of yourself. It’s a cliché but it’s true. You’re a human being; not a robot. You’ll miss out on a large part of your life if you only care about your GPA. You’ll get way better marks in school if you’re actually happy. Make time for hobbies, exercise, friends, nights-out, relationships, etc.
- If you’re not happy in your program, be honest with yourself. Follow your heart, and transfer NOW. The earlier the better, and you’re in first year. Life’s too short. Everyone has different gifts. What are yours? Don’t cheat us of your contribution.
Totem Park
- Leave your door open, and people will approach you (*Note from the Editors: only do this if you’re comfortable; remember: safety first!)
- Go to the events your Residence Advisor organizes; they’re great opportunities for you to meet other like-minded people and make friends.
- It’s perfectly acceptable in Totem Park to sit down with people you don’t know, introduce yourself, and strike up a conversation.
Campus Life
- Asking out that cute person who smiled at you in your lab/discussion group is actually a good idea. Trust me on that one.
- Clubs are your best friend. There are loads of groups on campus. Join one that you are genuinely interested in, and I guarantee that you will meet people and be able to build a great life around that.
- Make a budget sheet and track your expenses. You’d be surprised where that money goes. Save money. Don’t lose it.
- Credit Cards and Tax-Free Savings Accounts are critical for building your future. Start now, but use them responsibly
- Think about getting a job on-campus. You’d be surprised at how much more connected you’ll feel to the UBC community. The money doesn’t hurt either.
- Fully accepting and loving yourself for who you really are is the key to true fulfillment and happiness.
- Talk to yourself positively, and treat yourself as if you were an honoured guest. Monitor that inner-voice in your head; is it positive or negative? Ask yourself: would you talk to a friend this way?
- Every day is your chance to be who you really want to be; to say what you really want to say; to do what you really want to do.