Welcome Back!

By Kyle Lethbridge (Residence Life Manager)

Welcome back and I hope your start to term two has been going well! I hope you had a chance to relax and enjoy some good company during the holiday break. I also hope that you have had an opportunity to reflect on first semester so you can move ahead motivated and energized. Since you know what to expect this time around, regardless of how last semester went, you will have an opportunity to grow and develop even more. Continue to build the friendships you have made, but don’t be nervous about approaching someone new this semester; there are some new faces around Totem. Be sure to look out for some great programs and activities put on by the TPRA and your Residence Advisors and Women’s TFL has already begun! There are also many opportunities right now to get involved around campus. If you are looking to expand your experience at UBC it is a great way to compliment your degree. This past semester was fantastic here at Totem Park and at UBC and I am so excited to experience it all over again with all of you. Here’s to a wonderful past five months and another great three months ahead!
Kyle Lethbridge

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