By Kamil Krawczyk (Residence Advisor-QLXN House)
Curious, you might be,
To find the ideal space to sprawl
Your textbooks and notes, abound and plentiful,
And study to your heart’s content.
Ask yourself, with genuine curiousity,
“Where may I go and find intellectual peace?”
Oh dear Reader! I present thee with a list,
Three havens designed to stimulate
The most enchanting of thoughts.
These domains, located not beyond a brisk walk,
Are for you, and I, to be inspired.
Over yonder on the Northern edge of our fare campus,
Lay Allard Hall, a glimmering beacon
Of quiet, glass-adorned studious perfection.
Among the halls of the Law Library,
You will find our first space for the mind.
Hark! Illuminated tables, plentiful spaces;
Rows of benches and soft couches to aid
Your quest to learn and know.
Prepare to be quiet in this land,
For not even a mouse speaks in the day.
Second on our growing list,
Lay a locale not far from Allard Hall;
Behold! The Asian Centre,
Full of culture and solace and freedom.
Revel in the concrete silence and space
Of the enchanting, isolated booths,
Designed with graceful capacity for a single soul
To commandeer and learn more.
For those who prefer the company,
Of another living soul,
The central tables under the new roof,
Will provide thee with human warmth.
Last, oh Reader, we cannot forget,
A locale close to the home you and I share.
McMillan stands tall – a figure of stony brick,
Red as the setting Winter sun.
If you complete the vertical journey,
To the fourth floor of this timeless place,
You will be rewarded by the embrace,
Of the Grad lounge; couches, desks, and tables galore,
Prepare to work hard in sheer comfort.
Be weary, however, that solitude is given,
As the attendance here is sparse and low;
Be mindful of the quiet,
And the quiet will be mindful of your needs.
Alas, to conclude this journey,
Of silent spaces and inspiration,
I bid thee, fare Reader,
The boundless luck confided in you,
To conquer thy exams, one by one,
Armed well by the tools of wisdom.
Explore far, study hard,
And let this vast and beautiful campus,
Inspire you to greatness.