By Nick Leach (Residence Advisor-Ritsumeikan House)
So you want to study, but your room isn’t cutting it and you’re tired of distant study spots like Irving and Koerner? You’re a free spirit and where you study should reflect that fact. I get it. Fortunately you’ve got someone on your side that’s staked out the best underrated study spots around Totem and UBC.
Around Totem:
So you don’t want to walk for more than 5 minutes to find that perfect niche? There some amazing and underappreciated places to study up right here in Totem!
Silent Reading Room: Also known as The Fishbowl, this is an ideal spot for the silent and studious. Open 24 hours, the wonderfully quiet atmosphere combined with close dining hall proximity make it a great spot to go for long, sleepless nights.
Magda’s Lounge: Not to be confused with the snack emporium, this is the couch-filled wonderland by the ping-pong table. While the lack of tables is a drawback, I have spent countless hours preparing for midterms on those couches. Since you can grab the day’s food without your seat getting cold, it can be good for sustaining through the long hours.
Study Café: Every Tuesday and Thursday night from 8:30pm-10pm, the dining hall gets converted into a sacred place of study. This is usually a great environment for an evening study session with friends.
Off Totem:
If you’re willing to take a trek, UBC sports study zones for all tastes. Listed are some spots you may not have heard of that are definitely worth checking out.
West Mall Swing Space: Head on to any floor in this building. There are miscellaneous desks about, but the main attractions are the giant, empty classrooms that you can always visit. It’s quiet, spacious and near Totem. What’s not to love?
MacMillan Learning Commons: This may be the best spot on campus for group studies. Located by the gaping construction site across from Totem, the LFS homebuilding is a magical place. The Learning Commons (room 360) sports gorgeous meeting rooms covered with whiteboards and filled with desk space. It generally isn’t too loud, and the open space and late hours makes it great for study groups.
Aquatic Center: Fondly known as The Womb, this is easily my favorite study/nap place on campus. Head upstairs and you’ll be greeted by an equal number of students furiously cramming and peacefully dozing. The carpeted amphitheater-like stairs, warm, humid air and soothing echoes are guaranteed to slow your breathing and calm your study-crazed mind. There are no desks, but there is enough lounge space to make it perfect for reading and essay-writing.
This is only a fraction of the underused spots around UBC! Consider also checking out the Asian Center, Nitobe Garden (on those rare sunny days), Engineering Design Center, SUB basement, Boulevard Cafe. Happy studies!