The Low Down on Student Health Insurance

By: Saskia (həm’ləsəm’ Residence Advisor)

What does your student health insurance get you? ihaveaplanLogo

Have you ever logged into your student account and wondered what your $214.37 AMS/GSS Health and Dental Plan fee actually pays for? Or maybe you clicked “pay fees” and never noticed, but are taking an interest now. I’ll give away my spoiler from the start: it’s probably better than you think.

This year is the first time that I am not eligible to opt out of coverage. I will admit that I was a little bummed at having to pay. So the other night I decided to procrastinate on my Webwork, open up my BFF Google, and investigate what benefits I can claim. It turns out that it is not so bad of a deal after all. The buying power of 650,000 students from across the country makes the plan less expense than any private one for what it offers. Hear me out.

Your plan covers the basics – namely 50-90% of dental fees and $100 towards the cost of eyeglasses or contact lenses- but also a lot more. If you need to take medications, eligible prescription drugs are subsidized at 80% with no deductible. Air or land ambulance services are also free when an emergency requires immediate medical attention. Suffering from a nagging muscle injury? Try $20 dollars towards your physiotherapy appointment. Subsidies are also available for visits to psychologists, massage therapists, chiropractors, naturopaths, physiologists and registered dieticians. Not only that, and this is my personal favourite, medical equipment such as orthotics are 100% covered. Oh, and about that exchange you are planning or that backpacking trip across Europe that you have been saving up for … your AMS/GSS Health and Dental Plan offers travel coverage for up to 120 days per trip. Vaccinations are free too. They’ve got your back for more than just sparkling teeth and lecture-ready vision.

If you need to get a refund, Pacific Blue Cross must receive health and dental claims no later than 90 days after the end of your coverage. Remember that you need Canadian provincial health-care coverage or equivalent coverage to make a claim. Just check out the website for more details:

Now you know what that $214.37 can get you. Like it or lump it, it’s already gone from your bank account.



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