Category Archives: Campus Resources

Articles written by various groups and individuals around UBC.


Nutrition! Go Ask Dr. Jackie ● Wise Gourmet ● Nutri4Students ●

Nutrition for Students

 Learn, Cook, Eat, Win!

 Starting March 18th to the 31st Participate and win

Learn to make nutritious food choices by answering the daily nutrition question (each time you participate your name is entered to win)

Cook up some delicious and nutritious easy to make meals

(schedule posted on

Eat up what you make with your friends and

Win while you are doing it.

How to participate:

  1. Like us on Facebook (Nutrition for Students), follow us on Twitter (Nutri4Students)
    or Instagram (#Wisegourmet)
  1. Answer the nutrition questions on Facebook or Twitter
  1. Comment on our Instagram postings

 The more you participate, the more chances you will have to win a Food Services Gift Certificate

1 =$100 gift certificate, or 2 = $50 gift certificates.


Sexual Assault Awareness Month

January is Sexual Assault Awareness Month at UBC
Sexual assault affects people of all ages, genders, and sexual orientations. Help end the violence by participating in one of many Sexual Assault Awareness Month events this January. Learn more about sexual assault, how to help prevent it, and the supports available for survivors.

Read more and follow us on twitter at #saamUBC

(the URL is


Lace Up! For Kids

By: Rezlife Campus Partner

Winter is coming, and we’re getting super excited for sweater weather, ice skating, and one of UBC’s favourite events of the year: Lace Up for Kids.

Lace Up for Kids is a fundraising event for the BC Children’s Hospital Foundation in support of the Rare Disease Foundation. Community and student teams raise money for rare disease research, and then come out to celebrate by ice skating with friends, playing fun carnival games and meeting the one-of-a-kind kids that BCCHF supports.

Meet Jack Drover. Jack is an adorable, cheerful one-year-old who was diagnosed with VACTERL association, a rare syndrome that causes malformation of organs and bones.

rezlife cp-Jack Drover: BC Children’s Hospital Patient

At just two days old, Jack underwent corrective surgery as he was born without an anus. At four months old, he had surgery on his spine; at nine months old, he had surgery on his cleft palate. Jack may need even more corrective surgeries in the future, and it is with your help that kids like Jack are able to keep shining bright.

Jack is just one of the kids that Lace Up for Kids aims to help. There are over 7000 known rare diseases, and one in three children affected never makes it to their 10th birthday. The money raised through Lace Up for Kids changes these children’s lives.

If you want to support the BCCHF and Rare Disease Foundation for this amazing cause, there are a number of ways to get involved:

  • Talk to your House President or Residence Advisor for more information on making a team – the registration deadline is Friday, November 14th.
  • Donate your spare change to your favourite teams during Coin Wars, happening this week!
  • Come out to Lace Up Palooza, a week of fun events run by student clubs, from November 10th to 14th. Take the #LaceUpJumpUp challenge, and nominate all of your friends.

All teams are invited to Lace Up for Kids, to celebrate all their hard work in fundraising for a wonderful cause. The event is on Thursday, November 20th at the Thunderbird Arena.

rezlife cp

For more information, visit We can’t wait to see you at #LaceUp14!

Main Lace Up Website:

Calendar of Lace Up Palooza events:

Details on the #LaceUpJumpUp challenge: