Wanelo: Pinterest for Online Shoppers

Last month, I discovered wanelo.com, a bookmarking social network which helps people find unique products and shows people where to buy it. Users can sign up for an account and create ‘wish-list’ folders, and users can follow each other just like on Twitter.

I’ve always seen awesome products here and there (a shark tea infuser and color changing mugs) but did not know where to find it. Many other people had this problem as well. However, many of these things can now be found at wanelo, which will direct you to the site where you can purchase the item.

Wanelo is much like the growing network, Pinterest, only wanelo is focusing on online shopping while Pinterest is much more vague.

However, I do wonder how wanelo expects to raise revenue, as so far it doesn’t seem like they’re generating ads from users. It also doesn’t seem like the vendors that are posted are paying wanelo as well, as users post these websites and not wanelo themselves. Pinterest was experiencing the same problem a couple weeks ago. Nevertheless, this is one of the first bookmarking social networks I’ve gotten into, and it’s a fun website to browse in my spare time. My wallet doesn’t seem to agree though.

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