Advertising Shouldn’t Turn Customers Away

Isn’t the sole purpose of advertising to attract customers? Well, most businesses would say yes, and indeed that is what most companies seek to do. However, it is crucial that companies are cautious with advertising campaigns. What might first appear to be clever advertising, may damage a company’s customer and public relations. There has been some unfortunate advertising in the past that has actually turned customers away: the opposite effect of good advertising. Marketers must understand the environment in which products and services are promoted and make sure that images, mottos, slogans etc. do not offend consumers.

In May 2011, United Airlines launched an ad campaign titled “You’ll like where you land”. Many potential passengers found this statement distasteful and offensive. The reason for the backlash is that ten years earlier a United Airlines plane was involved in the disasters on “9-11”.

United Airline's offensive advertisement

Consumers blamed the poor taste of the ad on  “ignorance” as opposed to “malicious” behavior. However, the damage was done: customers do not want to do business with an ignorant (or even an insensitive) company.

Companies must balance creativity with sensitivity in marketing; one false move could damage a reputation for a very long time.

Article/Picture Reference: Business Insider Article 


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